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In a celebration of scientific passion and achievement, the National Earth Olympiad (NEO) 2024 Award Ceremony, hosted by the esteemed French Ambassador to Bangladesh, Marie Masdupuy, marked a significant milestone for young earth scientists across the country. The event, held with grandeur and enthusiasm, was graced by notable guests, including Education Minister Mohibul H. Chowdhoury.

The National Earth Olympiad, organized annually by the Bangladesh Youth Environmental Initiative (BYEI) since 2012, has been a beacon of excellence in promoting earth sciences among young students. Over the years, Team Bangladesh has earned significant accolades at the International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO), bringing home 4 Gold, 4 Silver, and 17 Bronze medals. The previous year saw an exceptional performance, with the team securing 10 medals, including 3 Gold medals and 11 honorable mentions at the 16th IESO.

This year’s competition saw an overwhelming response with more than 2500 students registering for the preliminary round. From this pool of enthusiastic participants, approximately 2100 students advanced to the divisional round, and nearly 1500 took the divisional round exam. After rigorous evaluations and training sessions known as Green Day Training (GDT), the top 300 participants were groomed and prepared for the final selection.

The award ceremony was a testament to the dedication and hard work of these young talents. Ambassador Marie Masdupuy, in her opening remarks, lauded the participants for their commitment to earth sciences and emphasized the importance of global cooperation in tackling environmental challenges.

Education Minister Mohibul H. Chowdhoury, a staunch supporter of educational excellence, highlighted the government’s commitment to nurturing scientific talent and fostering a culture of inquiry and innovation among students. He expressed his pride in the achievements of Team Bangladesh and encouraged the participants to continue their pursuit of knowledge and excellence.

The highlight of the evening was the announcement of the team that will represent Bangladesh at the International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO) 2024 in China. The selected 4 members of the Bangladesh team included Mohammad Tahmid Rahman (champion), Abrar Nafis Sadeque (1st runner-up), Omar Bin Arif (2nd runner-up), Raisa Jaman (3rd runner-up). Their journey from enthusiastic participants to national representatives is a story of dedication, hard work, and unwavering passion for earth sciences.

The NEO 2024 Award Ceremony was not just a celebration of individual achievements but a reaffirmation of Bangladesh’s commitment to shape a new generation of scientists who are ready to take on global challenges. The event concluded with a renewed sense of purpose and determination among all attendees, setting the stage for yet another year of remarkable achievements in earth sciences.

As the ceremony drew to a close, Ambassador Marie Masdupuy’s words resonated with everyone present: “The future of our planet rests in the hands of young minds like yours. Continue to explore, innovate, and inspire, for you are the torchbearers of a brighter, sustainable future.”

With such strong support from leaders, educators, and international allies, the National Earth Olympiad continues to pave the way for future scientists, ensuring that the spirit of inquiry and excellence remains vibrant in Bangladesh

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